Every year bunch of events is scheduled to be held in MG Bern. Especially for antique model builders, there is a magic date that traditionally falls on the first half of September.
Vintage airplane models event in MG Bern on 12th September 2020
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events Tags: Event, MG Bern, Mühlethurnen, Vintage No Responses
Sunday flying at Mühlethurnen
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events Tags: Esso, MG Bern, Mühlethurnen No Responses
Just one day after the MECA event in Oberbalm, Sunday the 2nd of June last year, we have met us again at Mühlethurnen. Sunshine, gentle breeze and pleasant temperature promised to be a nice day for flying again.
ESSO – Swiss glider by Arnold Degen (maiden flight)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Arnold Degen, Esso, Glider, MG Bern, Mühlethurnen No Responses
It has been quite a while ago we brought a short building report. I built two ESSO models since that time and now it is high time to get one of this glider in the air.