Not the only fuselage, but Eagle Mk. I’s whole airframe is now finished. And as there is still some balsa wood and time remain, I chose to build a second glider. It would be a great addition to have Eagle’s younger brother in the hangar.
Eagle’s base airframe is roughly finished and another Eagle is being built, now Mk. II
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Eagle Mk. I, Eagle Mk. II, Glider, Hearn's Hobbies No Responses
Works on “Eagle Mk. I Sailplane” have started yesterday
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Eagle Mk. I, Glider, Hearn's Hobbies, Sailplane No Responses
While still waiting for the light kit of the Curtiss Robin from BELAIR KITS to be delivered, I chose Eagle Mk. I sailplane from HEARN’S HOBBIES to be built in the next 20 days.
ESSO – Swiss glider by Arnold Degen (maiden flight)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Arnold Degen, Esso, Glider, MG Bern, Mühlethurnen No Responses
It has been quite a while ago we brought a short building report. I built two ESSO models since that time and now it is high time to get one of this glider in the air.
Sunspot by Roy Yeabsley
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Glider, Sunspot No Responses
You can build it in just over a week and the total outlay is only a fraction of that needed for a petrol model. The ultra-light wing loading (weight is only 2,75 lbs.) rules out major crackups due to high-speed contact with cars and other obstacles on the deck. Exceptional stability enables you to keep flying when other jobs are grounded by rough weather.