When Bernard B. Winston set up the beginnings of the huge America’s Hobby Center in lower Manhattan, in the middle 1930’s, he was an admirer of Louis Loutrel and the Loutrel engine being offered to modelers. When Loutrel failed to interest the modelers in his engine, Winston purchased the manufacturing rights, tooling and “goodwill” and dubbed it the “G.H.Q.”, which became his “house” model engine.
Engines of the Golden Era – G.H.Q. Aero
// Stanley J. Stembera // Engines Tags: Bernard Winston, G.H.Q., Loutrel No Responses
Engines of the Golden Era – Bernie Winston on the G.H.Q.
// Stanley J. Stembera // Engines Tags: G.H.Q., Stuart Richmond No Responses
In the June 1987 issue of “Model Builder”, regular engine reviewer, Stu Richmond, took the GHQ as his subject. His review is especially noteworthy for reprinting a portion of a letter from Bernie Winston himself. The relevant section appears below, preceeded by Stu’s lead-in to the letter, followed by Bernie’s take on the GHQ.