Not the only fuselage, but Eagle Mk. I’s whole airframe is now finished. And as there is still some balsa wood and time remain, I chose to build a second glider. It would be a great addition to have Eagle’s younger brother in the hangar.
Eagle’s base airframe is roughly finished and another Eagle is being built, now Mk. II
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Eagle Mk. I, Eagle Mk. II, Glider, Hearn's Hobbies No Responses
Eagle’s fuselage is going to be finished soon
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Comet, Curtiss Robin, Eagle Mk. I, Hearn's Hobbies, Joe Konefes, Joseph Konefes No Responses
It has been a couple of months ago I ordered Curtiss Robin light kit from the BELAIR KITS. And it came yesterday. The delay was caused by both the current situation in Europe and the fact that the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU and every package must be claimed by the customs office. During the import process, the VAT must be paid.
Works on “Eagle Mk. I Sailplane” have started yesterday
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Eagle Mk. I, Glider, Hearn's Hobbies, Sailplane No Responses
While still waiting for the light kit of the Curtiss Robin from BELAIR KITS to be delivered, I chose Eagle Mk. I sailplane from HEARN’S HOBBIES to be built in the next 20 days.
Old lady lives again and now for SAM CRC-Open contest
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: ALOT, ALTIS, CRC-Open, ELOT, Letná 56, SAM No Responses
I would like to start this post with a simple question: what do you usually do with models which you consider to be at the end of their “service”? Some modelers throw them into the trash, build the new again, some of them burn crashed models or keep them displayed at their “hangars”.
How to check the ignition (spark) coil
// Stanley J. Stembera // Workshop Tags: Coil check, Ignition, Ignition coil 1 Response
The ignition coil is one of the most important elements in the ignition circuitry. Although this device is quite simple there are only a few resources written about its functionality checks. My friend Frantisek has posted a short article about how to do this by using just a multimeter.
ESSO – interesting points found during building
// Stanley J. Stembera // Workshop Tags: Esso No Responses
For those who are thinking about to build this famous glider, here are some points that could be taken into account.
ESSO – Swiss glider by Arnold Degen (maiden flight)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Arnold Degen, Esso, Glider, MG Bern, Mühlethurnen No Responses
It has been quite a while ago we brought a short building report. I built two ESSO models since that time and now it is high time to get one of this glider in the air.
Phantom – the sailing boat
// Stanley J. Stembera // Boats, Workshop Tags: boat, Phantom, sailing, yacht No Responses
Like many others even I was dreaming about the nice summer days spent by the lake. Would it not be nice to try an RC sailing boat too? Undoubtedly, so let’s find the most perfect, best fit or simply “The boat”.
Weekend project – Engine mount for Antares
// Stanley J. Stembera // Workshop Tags: Antares, CNC, Engine mount No Responses
Antares is a well-known racing model designed by Jaroslav Broz in 1942. It has a nicely shaped streamlined fuselage, elliptical wing sits above the fuselage on a pylon. Originally powered by the IPRO IKAR 6,3 ccm spark engine, but most modelers are using any suitable engine even glow or diesel.
ESSO – Swiss glider by Arnold Degen (building the fuselage)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Workshop Tags: Arnold Degen, Esso No Responses
The famous Swiss vintage glider known as ESSO was designed by Arnold Degen in 1941 as a promotional model for the European branch of Exxon. I have chosen this model as another vintage project for incoming season which is close and will be actual in a few weeks sometime.