Lněnička Jaroslav – 4/6/1934 – 2/1/2019 at age 84 passed away at Hradec Králové. He graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Prague and his passion for flying accompanied him all his life.
Jaroslav Lněnička (1934 – 2019)
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John W. Brodbeck (1913 – 2004) – the story of K&B engines
// Stanley J. Stembera // Hall of fame Tags: John W. Brodbeck, K&B, Lud Kading, Torpedo, Torpedo Special No Responses
John first started flying free-flight models in 1936 using a Brown Junior engine. He also turned to Baby Cyclone and Hurleman engines for some of his early planes. He was not happy with the performance of most of the early engines and, like many early flyers, did some fine-tuning and modification of his own.
Stuart L. Richmond (1929 – 2014)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Hall of fame Tags: Stuart Richmond No Responses
Stuart L. “Stu” Richmond, who devoted most of his life to teaching others about aeromodeling through hundreds of columns and articles, went to the flying field one last time with his son and grandson at the beginning of April 2014. He passed away April 12 at his home in Apache Junction, Arizona, at the age of 85.
Irwin G. Ohlsson (1913 – 1996)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Hall of fame Tags: Irwin G. Ohlsson, Miniature, Ohlsson, Ohlsson & Rice, Pacemaker No Responses
Říká se, že Irwin G. Ohlsson byl Henry Ford letecko-modelářských motorů. V roce 1934 postavil své dva první miniaturní motorky. Oba o zdvihovém objemu .12 kubických palců, jeden poháněl malý kabinový model a druhý model dvouplošníku. Jeho otec, profesor na losangeleské střední škole, zemřel velice záhy, aniž by se dočkal synových úspěchů.