Back in 1989, I received a model fishing boat kit from MODELA as a Christmas gift. MODELA was a company known for producing kits and supplies for modelers at the time, but it no longer exists today.
Phantom – the sailing boat
// Stanley J. Stembera // Boats, Workshop Tags: boat, Phantom, sailing, yacht No Responses
Like many others even I was dreaming about the nice summer days spent by the lake. Would it not be nice to try an RC sailing boat too? Undoubtedly, so let’s find the most perfect, best fit or simply “The boat”.
Model motorového člunu B-49-P
// Stanley J. Stembera // Boats Tags: B-49-P, Jaroslav Brož No Responses
Dnes přinášíme plánek zajímavého modelu motorového člunu poháněného “pérem”, tzn. hodinovým strojkem s názvem B-49-P. Plánek vyšel v knize “Modely Lodí” (Jaroslav Brož, Vladimír Procházka) v edici “Mladý konstruktér” v roce 1955.