I would like to start this post with a simple question: what do you usually do with models which you consider to be at the end of their “service”? Some modelers throw them into the trash, build the new again, some of them burn crashed models or keep them displayed at their “hangars”.
Old lady lives again and now for SAM CRC-Open contest
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: ALOT, ALTIS, CRC-Open, ELOT, Letná 56, SAM No Responses
Two “unknown” models are identified
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Frog, Goblin, Redwing, Rubber power, Veron No Responses
Two (at least to me) unknown rubber powered models, as we stated in the last article about the Antique meeting in MG Bern last September, became identified. Identification has been provided by the builder/owner of these models, Peter Z. from MG Bern.
Evening breeze
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Arnold Degen, Esso, Swiss glider No Responses
It has been almost three weeks of continual rain except for today. I grabbed ESSO Nr.2, bungee launch set, drone, and head to the airfield nearby to test and practice launch by 80/20 bungee.
ESSO – Swiss glider by Arnold Degen (maiden flight)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Arnold Degen, Esso, Glider, MG Bern, Mühlethurnen No Responses
It has been quite a while ago we brought a short building report. I built two ESSO models since that time and now it is high time to get one of this glider in the air.
Sunspot by Roy Yeabsley
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Glider, Sunspot No Responses
You can build it in just over a week and the total outlay is only a fraction of that needed for a petrol model. The ultra-light wing loading (weight is only 2,75 lbs.) rules out major crackups due to high-speed contact with cars and other obstacles on the deck. Exceptional stability enables you to keep flying when other jobs are grounded by rough weather.
Contest Gas Model by Frank Ehling
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Contest Gas Model, Frank Ehling No Responses
A gas model must be fundamentally sound in design and construction to withstand the wear and tear of flying. The fact that this model is recommended by Frank Ehling, its designer and builder, is proof that it fulfills this foremost requirement.
One of the earliest gas-powered model designed by Herbet H. Dowsett
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Early gas job, Hawk Special, Herbert H. Dowsett No Responses
The wonderful improvements that have been made in miniature internal-combustion engines in the last few years, (for which we have to thank the power boat men) have, given us a power unit, developing nearly half horse-power, the weight of which can be held down as low as 2 lb., excluding the flywheel, which, of course, is unnecessary in aircraft.
Flying Aces “T-Beam Gas Job” is here again
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: T-Beam Gas Job No Responses
We have published a short article about this nice midget gas job. I have got many requests to publish a better scan of this model during the last months. So guys here is it for you who are interested in build this gassie.
Air Youth Glider No.3 by W.F.Tyler
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Air Youth Glider, W.F.Tyler No Responses
The third and final design in this series of classroom projects bears a close resemblance both in appearance and construction to actual, full-size utility gliders. Two-ply Bristol board, stiff cardboard, assorted pine strips, a nose block of scrap pine or balsa, light model tissue, cement, dope and a paper clip for the simple wire fittings complete the list of required materials.
Paragon by Paul Plecan
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Paragon, Paul Plecan No Responses
Here, boys, is a CLASS “C” contest model that refuses to stay on the ground. During its ramblings through the ozone, it has had its share of roof-top and tree-top landings, yet it’s still in one piece! What’s more, all repair work that’s been necessary has been minor.