Last year, I embarked on a journey that I never expected would capture my heart so completely: competing in model airplane pylon racing.
My Journey into Airplane Pylon Racing: From Newbie to Enthusiast
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: DKT, F3D, F3E, F3T, Pylonracing No Responses
Flying with Old-Timer Radio Control Glider Models: A Blast from the Past
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft No Responses
In an era dominated by sleek, high-tech drones and advanced model aircraft, it’s refreshing to see enthusiasts still passionate about flying old-timer radio control glider models. These vintage beauties may not have the same level of sophistication as their modern counterparts, but they offer a unique flying experience that’s hard to find elsewhere.
Quiz – Do you know model airplanes?
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft No Responses
Since general interest in Old Timer models has sustained at a high level for well over a decade, it seemed timely to work up a quiz showing some of the famous F/F designs.
Sali MV Bern
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Flamingo, Roger Hammer No Responses
Am Samstag, den 2. September, fand in Bern ein traditioneller Treffen statt. Ich konnte dieses Jahr nicht teilnehmen, aber sofort am Montag schloss ich mich der Aktion an und machte zwei Starts mit dem Flamingo-Modell.
Eagle’s base airframe is roughly finished and another Eagle is being built, now Mk. II
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Eagle Mk. I, Eagle Mk. II, Glider, Hearn's Hobbies No Responses
Not the only fuselage, but Eagle Mk. I’s whole airframe is now finished. And as there is still some balsa wood and time remain, I chose to build a second glider. It would be a great addition to have Eagle’s younger brother in the hangar.
Eagle’s fuselage is going to be finished soon
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Comet, Curtiss Robin, Eagle Mk. I, Hearn's Hobbies, Joe Konefes, Joseph Konefes No Responses
It has been a couple of months ago I ordered Curtiss Robin light kit from the BELAIR KITS. And it came yesterday. The delay was caused by both the current situation in Europe and the fact that the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU and every package must be claimed by the customs office. During the import process, the VAT must be paid.
Works on “Eagle Mk. I Sailplane” have started yesterday
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Eagle Mk. I, Glider, Hearn's Hobbies, Sailplane No Responses
While still waiting for the light kit of the Curtiss Robin from BELAIR KITS to be delivered, I chose Eagle Mk. I sailplane from HEARN’S HOBBIES to be built in the next 20 days.
Galaxie and Saturn both come from the same universe
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Jaromir Pipek, Saturn No Responses
One of the kindest reactions to a previously published article came from my friend Jaromir P. Our friendship lasts at least ten years and he still surprises me even in case I least expect it.
Two new ships are going to be built for an upcoming season – Saturn glider and Curtiss Robin
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Comet, Curtiss Robin, Jiri Michalovic, Joe Konefes, Saturn No Responses
Although days are still being cold, short, and not suitable for our beloved hobby, it is the best time to fix or repair our models or even better, to build a new one to make some addition to our hangar and of course to come up with a new ship for an upcoming season.
ALFA SPORT with Tundra wheels is another design by Jaromir Pipek
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Alfa Sport, Jaromir Pipek No Responses
Subzero temperatures, rain and snow, short days, and continuous dark. These are the current conditions in the northern hemisphere.