Endlesslift is promoting this event to celebrate the contributions made by Charles Grant to the development of our hobby. They hope that as many people as possible will make a Cloud Tramp and join in the world wide launch on the traditional first Saturday in August. This year it is Saturday, August 5, 2023.
The 28th Charles Hampson Grant Memorial International Mass Launch of Cloud Tramps
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events Tags: Charles Hampson Grant, Cloud Tramp, GRANT MIMLOCT No Responses
27. Sammlertreffen der M.E.C.A. in der Schweiz
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events Tags: MECA, Meca Region 16, Oberbalm, Schweiz 2 Responses
MODELLMOTOREN – SAMMLERTREFFEN mit MOTORENBÖRSE und AUSSTELLUNG findet am Samstag, 3. Juni 2023 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr statt.
Antikmodellflugtag 3. September 2022
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events Tags: Antikmodellflugtag, Arnold Degen, MG Bern, Schweiz No Responses
Die MG-Bern führt am 3. September 2022 ihren 17. Antikmodellflugtag durch.
Teilnahmeberechtigt sind Modelle die vor 1970 bereits als Bauplan, Baukasten oder Eigenbaumodell existierten. Alle weiteren Details können in der Ausschreibung gelesen werden Ausschreibung Antik Modellflugtag 2022
Um den Anlass optimal vorbereiten zu können, bitten wir die Teilnehmer um ihre Anmeldung bis zum 28. August 2022. Anmeldung Antik 22
Grant MIMLOCT 2022
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events Tags: Charles Hampson Grant, GRANT MIMLOCT No Responses
Today the 6th of August, we met at the meadows nearby Hajany and around 5:00 PM launched our Cloud Tramps. The weather was almost perfect, sunny with a light breeze.
Champion spark plugs
// Stanley J. Stembera // Engines Tags: Champion, Ignition, Ignition coil, Spark plug, V, V-1, V-2, V-3, VR-2 No Responses
Before this information is lost to father time I thought it might be informative to display the differences in the original Champion spark plugs installed in the old original ignition engines.
The 27th Charles Hampson Grant Memorial International Mass Launch of Cloud Tramps
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events Tags: Charles Hampson Grant, Cloud Tramp, GRANT MIMLOCT No Responses
Endlesslift is promoting this event to celebrate the contributions made by Charles Grant to the development of our hobby. They hope that as many people as possible will make a Cloud Tramp and join in the world wide launch on the traditional first Saturday in August. This year it is Saturday, August 6, 2022.
26. Sammlertreffen der M.E.C.A. in der Schweiz
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events Tags: MECA, Meca Region 16, Oberbalm, Schweiz 4 Responses
MODELLMOTOREN – SAMMLERTREFFEN mit MOTORENBÖRSE und AUSSTELLUNG findet am Samstag, 4. Juni 2022 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr statt.
Sunday flying at Blatna meadows
// Stanley J. Stembera // Events 2 Responses
Our club (www.amc-blatna.cz) has scheduled a vintage airplane event for the first time in its history. This club is widely known as a pylon racing (F3D, F5D) organizer, and some of the core members are well known for their success in the “pylon racing” world (www.pylonracing.cz).
Eagle’s base airframe is roughly finished and another Eagle is being built, now Mk. II
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Eagle Mk. I, Eagle Mk. II, Glider, Hearn's Hobbies No Responses
Not the only fuselage, but Eagle Mk. I’s whole airframe is now finished. And as there is still some balsa wood and time remain, I chose to build a second glider. It would be a great addition to have Eagle’s younger brother in the hangar.
Eagle’s fuselage is going to be finished soon
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Comet, Curtiss Robin, Eagle Mk. I, Hearn's Hobbies, Joe Konefes, Joseph Konefes No Responses
It has been a couple of months ago I ordered Curtiss Robin light kit from the BELAIR KITS. And it came yesterday. The delay was caused by both the current situation in Europe and the fact that the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU and every package must be claimed by the customs office. During the import process, the VAT must be paid.