It has been a couple of months ago I ordered Curtiss Robin light kit from the BELAIR KITS. And it came yesterday. The delay was caused by both the current situation in Europe and the fact that the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU and every package must be claimed by the customs office. During the import process, the VAT must be paid.
Eagle’s fuselage is going to be finished soon
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Comet, Curtiss Robin, Eagle Mk. I, Hearn's Hobbies, Joe Konefes, Joseph Konefes No Responses
Works on “Eagle Mk. I Sailplane” have started yesterday
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: Eagle Mk. I, Glider, Hearn's Hobbies, Sailplane No Responses
While still waiting for the light kit of the Curtiss Robin from BELAIR KITS to be delivered, I chose Eagle Mk. I sailplane from HEARN’S HOBBIES to be built in the next 20 days.