Subzero temperatures, rain and snow, short days, and continuous dark. These are the current conditions in the northern hemisphere.
ALFA SPORT with Tundra wheels is another design by Jaromir Pipek
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Alfa Sport, Jaromir Pipek No Responses
Old lady lives again and now for SAM CRC-Open contest
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft, Workshop Tags: ALOT, ALTIS, CRC-Open, ELOT, Letná 56, SAM No Responses
I would like to start this post with a simple question: what do you usually do with models which you consider to be at the end of their “service”? Some modelers throw them into the trash, build the new again, some of them burn crashed models or keep them displayed at their “hangars”.
Two “unknown” models are identified
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Frog, Goblin, Redwing, Rubber power, Veron No Responses
Two (at least to me) unknown rubber powered models, as we stated in the last article about the Antique meeting in MG Bern last September, became identified. Identification has been provided by the builder/owner of these models, Peter Z. from MG Bern.