Almost eighty years ago, MAN readers opened their copies of the December 1939 issue to be greeted by a massive three page advertising spread announcing a splendid new engine, the .65 cu. in. “Super Cyclone.” Produced and marketed by the rather grandly titled Aircraft Industries Corporation, of Glendale California, the Super-Cyclone joined (and eventually superseded) the popular .36 cu. in. “Baby Cyclone.”
Engines of the Golden Era – Super Cyclone
// Stanley J. Stembera // Engines Tags: Super Cyclone No Responses
The Pylon Buster by Armand Vasquez
// Stanley J. Stembera // Aircraft Tags: Armando Vasquez, Pylon Buster No Responses
Here is a gas model that is a contest threat in every sense of the word. It was designed with just one thought in mind—to prove that “pylons” are not necessary. The consistent and high performance this model turns in is a direct result of the constant improvement and refinement that has gone into several models of the same design during the past three years.
John W. Brodbeck (1913 – 2004) – the story of K&B engines
// Stanley J. Stembera // Hall of fame Tags: John W. Brodbeck, K&B, Lud Kading, Torpedo, Torpedo Special No Responses
John first started flying free-flight models in 1936 using a Brown Junior engine. He also turned to Baby Cyclone and Hurleman engines for some of his early planes. He was not happy with the performance of most of the early engines and, like many early flyers, did some fine-tuning and modification of his own.