The famous Swiss vintage glider known as ESSO was designed by Arnold Degen in 1941 as a promotional model for the European branch of Exxon. I have chosen this model as another vintage project for incoming season which is close and will be actual in a few weeks sometime.
ESSO – Swiss glider by Arnold Degen (building the fuselage)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Workshop Tags: Arnold Degen, Esso No Responses
Engines of the Golden Era – Bernie Winston on the G.H.Q.
// Stanley J. Stembera // Engines Tags: G.H.Q., Stuart Richmond No Responses
In the June 1987 issue of “Model Builder”, regular engine reviewer, Stu Richmond, took the GHQ as his subject. His review is especially noteworthy for reprinting a portion of a letter from Bernie Winston himself. The relevant section appears below, preceeded by Stu’s lead-in to the letter, followed by Bernie’s take on the GHQ.
Stuart L. Richmond (1929 – 2014)
// Stanley J. Stembera // Hall of fame Tags: Stuart Richmond No Responses
Stuart L. “Stu” Richmond, who devoted most of his life to teaching others about aeromodeling through hundreds of columns and articles, went to the flying field one last time with his son and grandson at the beginning of April 2014. He passed away April 12 at his home in Apache Junction, Arizona, at the age of 85.
Bericht vom Antik-Flugtag 2015 der MG Bern und eine kurze Jahresübersicht
// Peter Renggli // Events Tags: MECA, MG Bern No Responses
Leute, die Freude an echten alten Motoren und Flugmodellen haben, kamen auch dieses Jahr wieder auf ihre Rechnung. Am 6. Juni rief unser Christian Tanner zum 21. Mal die Motorensammler aus nah und fern nach Oberwangen. Und sie strömten in Scharen herbei. Was da alles an Antrieben für Autos und Flugzeuge aus längst vergangenen Zeiten zusammen getragen wurde.